Foce del Fiora

Foce del Fiora

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The berth is located on the right bank of the Fiora river, near the mouth, protected by two cliffs long 340 m and 230 m and reported at the head by lanterns. It consists of docks in wood on stilts. In summer small pleasure boats can moor on the right bank in concession to a private company.

Common information

Reference port: Foce del Fiora
Address: Strada della Marina, 6 - 01014, Montalto di Castro (VT)
Telephone number: +39 0766802175

Geo nautical information

Type of landing pier: Canal port
Condition of the port: Accessible
Winter scheduling: 08:00 - 20:00
Summer scheduling: 08:00 - 20:00
Sea bottom types: Sand
Minimum water depth (mt): 0.5
Maximum water depth (mt): 1.5
Number of boat spaces: 100
Maximum boat length (mt): 6

Access mode to the landing-place

- Enter the mouth with the directory NE.
- Climb the river up to the section of the quay on the shore of the right in granting, with extreme caution because of the unpredictability of the seabed.
- Moor according to the indications of the local staff.