Canale di Santa Anastasia

Common information

Description: The port is located at the entrance of Santa Anastasia channel to about 3.7 NM NE of the port of Terracina. The entrance is wide 10 - 15 m. It is a docking point reserved to small boats with low draft. Along the right and the left banks there are some piers for the mooring of small units.
Condition of the port: Accessible

Geo nautical information

Dominant winds: SE - SW
Radio channel: 16

Way of access to the port

- Enter the channel with direction NW.

Utility adn emergency information

Reference Harbour-Office Delegazione di Spiaggia di Sabaudia
Harbour-Office telephone: +39 0773515802
Carabineer Telephone: +39 077154010
Police telephone : +39 077154010
Telephone (Italian financial police): +39 0771510628
Telephone (Firemen): +39 0771712568