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Common information
Description: The port is located on the right bank of the Fiora river, near the mouth. It consisting of docks in wood on stilts. In summer small pleasure boats can moor on a stretch of the quay of the right in concession to a private person. The mouth of the river Fiora is protected by two cliffs long 340 m and 230 m and reported at the head by lanterns. Inside the Port – channel find shelter small fishing vessels.
Condition of the port: Accessible
Geo nautical information
Dominant winds: NW - SE
Radio channel: 16
Way of access to the port
- Enter the mouth with the directory NE.
- Climb the river up to the section of the quay on the shore of the right in granting, with extreme caution because of the unpredictability of the seabed.
- Moor according to the indications of the local staff.
Utility adn emergency information
Harbour-Office telephone: +39 0766366401
Carabineer Telephone: +39 0766879652
Police telephone : +39 076689007
Telephone (Italian financial police): +39 0766856028
Telephone (Firemen): +39 3495195200
Harbor service
- Fire escape service
- Refueling